Thursday, July 9, 2015

Bullied by other mothers, two moms commit suicide

Bullied by other mothers, two moms commit suicide

Original news report here:

[Quick translation] On April 16 and 23 of this year, the mothers of two students at a public elementary school in Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture, consecutively committed suicide. According to the bereaved families, the two children regularly had things hidden from them at school, were ignored, and were subject to bullying, and thus began skipping school. The two mothers asked the other mothers to "please stop" these acts, but at the urging of other mothers, the two were then ostracized from the other parents. Just before the suicides, they were relentlessly deemed "unqualified as mothers" by other mothers...In an investigation by the school and the Board of Education, it was "confirmed that malicious gossip was spread about the two mothers on LINE."

At what age should you give up on pregnancy?

At what age should you give up on pregnancy?

1. 匿名 2015/07/09(木) 15:47:11
I'm 33 years old right now.

In three years or so, getting pregnant will mean a later-in-life pregnancy, and my income is too low at 5 million yen annually, so I've begun to think of giving up on getting pregnant and just settling on a life of just me and my husband.

Since I live in the countryside, there are lots of people who marry and have kids early, and older parents are considered pathetic.

Until what age will you pursue pregnancy?